Yeah, so talented
UIIIII all hersehen, the color of my links behind and the background color has changed. All of my merit. Fitschi is soooooo talented yes. I have been disappointed by a very good friend Max Kl * sad and disappointed-looking * He has not given degree me his new number ^^... Also, I'm already a fan of the link muahaha !!!!!!!! She is very nice, looks toward sma: . Has a slightly different page. And you know what I've invented in the summer for a clever quote? No! But I'll know it right: You can be as you want, it will always be someone who does not understand you.
Oke, was more serious: I AM SICK!! Cough and runny nose, clearly the worst stage of the avian flu. Certainly I wake tomorrow with feathers and wings on. Today, the DANCING STARS FINALE !!!!!!!!! Toni Polster vs. Marika Lichter. Who will win? The heavyweight Society Lady, or the untalented ex-football player? No one knows!
At this point I really wanted to be published in revenge, the number of Max, but I will not do it because I'm too happy! : P
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