An ein edles, tugendhaftes Mädchen
Sic dixit: illi autem omnes collaudabant, quod rite et, ut par erat, locutus esset.
Nein, edles, tugendhaftes Mädchen,
Nein, dieses warme Busenklopfen
Und diese schweren Odemzüge
Macht nicht Dein helles, blaues Auge,
Nicht Deine weiße, runde Wange,
Nicht, nicht Dein soft, small breasts .
No, noble, virtuous girl that I
you warm and tender love,
Is not the meaning wild fire,
If deep, deep in the heart.
That you banish the delusion of the understanding,
The vices of the heart
And virtuous and noble-minded
And act virtuous and noble,
makes The warm my bosom,
knock This makes it hard to rise my spirit.
Well, noble, virtuous girl,
Do you think that I love sincere?
Johann Gottfried von Herder (1744-1803)
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