Thursday was again a sweeping blow for testing. Partly midwife, all values and weights as they should be. In the afternoon, the large second screening with ultrasound. Our mini girl is developed on time and we have delivered a mature stage show. Cross in me with a lot of contortions and acrobatic exercises. I'll tell you that is still such a blast including Lilly * laugh. Was only in these positions a portrait photo to have. So it was for a photo of the foot:

And a photo with "candle". Do you know this practice nor the gym?

was not so great, the only finding that the placenta is over the cervix. You may shift with the growth of the uterus in the coming weeks and if not, it must be a planned caesarean section. In two weeks we have the organ ultrasound specialists and see if anything has been done. be
for today but all further thoughts on caesarean section and so pushed a stupid stuff to the side. At last the sun is shining again and we will spend all day in the garden. You all a sunny weekend :-)
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